Monday, July 26, 2010

Printing press vs deflation, who prevail?

The world seems to be worried about Europe situation ever since Greece ignited the Europe debts fiasco. Most people that not in the know, were shocked by the enormous debts of several euro nations. Triple digit of debt to GDP ratio seems to be norm in this region, but not everyone aware of their debts are only small fishes compare the staggering amount of United States debts. As of today, United States national debt is amounted to 13 trillion and counting, debt to GDP ratio is "only" 94%. On average, each taxpayer owes around $120,000.

Why western nations are in such a deep shit?
Well, western world has been spending more than they earn for a long time, contrasting to the Asian. They used to be the wealthiest and privileged nations in the world. Somehow, US are still seems to be wealthiest nations in terms of GDP now, at least in their own illusion. Before sub prime crisis, everyone is rich in US so long they “own” properties. Many of them bought more than one property to speculate in the seemingly never ending bull market, even though they don’t have money! This kind of sub prime thing will never happen in Asia, at least not in Singapore, where you have to fork out 20% of cash to fund a property purchase.

American got the wake up call after the burst of the bubble. To make the matter worse, US continue to spent unprecedented amount of money to fix the nation's economy through stimulus after stimulus. Why? Because no stimulus no liquidity, not liquidity no monies, no monies – businesses are dead. Ok, but where is the money coming from?

First, this is accomplished through debts, whereby Uncle Sam sells Treasury securities to other countries and institutes. Asian nations are the majority holder of US bonds (China, Japan, Oil Countries, etc).

Second, since they are running out of money, they create more money! This is through increasing the money supply on a high scale, to create enough "liquidity" for banks to make loans, therefore spurs economic activities. This is like dropping money from a helicopter, this explained why Uncle Ben has a nick name called "Helicopter" Ben.

As of today, there is a tight battle between deflation camp and inflation camp. The deflation camp says the economy is simply is too deep into shit. Dismal corporate earnings and high unemployment will keep the prices low for a long time. The inflationist says the Fed that headed by Helicopter Ben, will do anything to fight deflation, including printing more and more money out from thin air.

So who is right? In short term I have no clue. As of today, US Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke insisted to keep the interest rate low amid the potential threat of double dip recession, and warns of uncertainty in US outlook. However the Fed also signaled today that no moves were imminent to bolster the economic recovery despite a "somewhat weaker outlook".

In long term, I strongly believe the mounting deficit and struggling economy will force Fed to continue to flood the market with liquidity. Those monies that they printed out of thin air, basically by monetizing the bonds, will come back and haunt them someday. USD will continue to devalue until all the hard assets that priced in USD become “astronomical”. I think the demise of the reserve currency is not too far fetch to happen in my life time, perhaps even in the next 10 years. Those of you that read history should aware that no paper currency survives forever. Only real money can survive forever, that is our precious gold and silver.

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